Main goal of the project lied in two business tasks realization:
- eStore order processing automation – Order Processing Pipeline system was developed to realize the task
- Data synchronization between Inventory Management system used for customer's firm trade stock managing and customer's eStore.
The Alco Test Kiosk project presents distributed system for automated collecting, processing and reporting the results of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) tests of convicts to their probation/parole officers.
Enterra aimed at software development to provide information and payment kiosks with reliable and robust applications. The simplest assembly included touch-screen, bill acceptor, and check-printer. More advanced terminals contained vandal-resistant keyboard, magnetic card reader, bar-code scanner, bill changer, A4 laser printer with a future option to install any other peripheral equipment.
Multipurpose Multimedia Terminal
The project was developed for Svarog – Russian start-up service-provider. Customer wanted to get a multifunctional touch screen terminal with the following main features:
- connection to the internet including web-browser;
- entertainment including games, horoscopes, anecdotes;
- communication including sending SMS and emails;
- viewing news, cinema schedule, guides and reference books;
- viewing multimedia content, i.e.
Rocketpool is the leading provider of free office pools online. Providing all the classic office pools online, Rocketpool makes it easy for friends and co-workers to have fun creating an office pool while following their favorite sports and office activities. Office pools are fun and now hassle free with our selection of pre-populated templates.
Academagia is the kind of role game. The player gets the opportunity to become a young magician. He/she has 280 days to become a real experienced magus! Being a student of the Academy player is free to choose the way of evolution. Were you hurt by someone? Challenge him to a duel! Need to have friends' approval? Organize the group of companions. Want to find out something new and even secret? Explore the College and it's outskirts. Decided to defend the honour of the College? Perfect yourself and take part in Rimbal Game! Academagia gather it all: exciting intrigue, interesting stories and vividly portrayed characters.
Fantasy Football is a part of the Fantasy Sports Party web site. Fantasy Football allows user to create his own fantasy teams by choosing real players and compete with other users on the effectiveness of the players (from user's team) for the next week.
There is a huge number of sites in the Internet that accept bets on sports events in leagues like NBA, CBA, NFL, CFB, MLB and NHL. However to win guessing on the game results is hard enough therefore it is necessary to spend a lot of time to learn teams' strengths and weaknesses, track leading players stats, view reports on traumas and many others for a successful game.
The solution facilitates electricity supply monitoring consumed by individuals and companies, and payments for energy.
The Security Posture Manager associates the information together into a single, centralized management console, harnessing data from isolated security assessment tools that were never designed to be integrated. By consolidating security posture information and automating security functions like host configuration management processes and vulnerability assessment, security managers no longer need to manually correlate facts across reports, tools and networks using email and spreadsheets as their primary management tools.