Enterra GIS system is meant for transport monitoring using satellite navigation system with an option to determinate moving target positions up to 1 meter in real time. This system makes real managing all the traffic on 1 computer easy and fast.
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Inspection of a Vehicle
Hardware and software Diagnostics complex to set up and manage the automated process of technical inspection of a vehicle. The system has multi section distributed architecture due to features of system technical configuration. Each Technical Inspection Office has its own local network. Central Server access is done from Technical Inspection Office via modem. Besides the system has special applications that receive data from different equipments, including video-camera.
Software Licensing System
The WatchDog Licensing System provides for resolution of issues related to software licensing. The major system components are – the License Server to enable recording of software products, users and issuing licenses, and the Client (License Client) to provide for direct plugging into software that requires licensing which communicates to the server with requests for licenses as well as authenticate the received licenses and block software in case of invalid licenses or expired term of validity.
Visual XML Editor
EnterraONE XML Editor is WYSIWYG editor with ability to represent XML as a styled text form. The editor allows users to build an XHTML/XForm for data gathering and viewing easily. The result data is represented as a validated XML document.The component has been built on top of Eclipse SWT/GEF/Draw2D. So it provides native look and feel on any supported platform. The editor perfectly integrates with platform and provides amazing experience for users.
Personal Journaling Program
The purpose of PerfectJournal for Windows is to create a powerful personal journaling program but also provide a solution that has the ability to publish RSS/XML files that can be used on the popular blogging web sites. PerfectJournal changes the way you capture, manage keyword and store critical thoughts and information.
Document Editor
MasterForm is a system to prepare documents and print them out based on dynamic patterns. The user has an opportunity to fill out the fields, choose from the list of accessible elements, connect a document or element of the document with elements of other documents, etc. The System allows document unification in general structures – packages.
Real-time Productivity Reporting System
The Real-time Productivity Reporting System is destined to collect data in the real-time on production processes and with further report generating. Via a common desktop client, the user can view and edit productivity data, update employee information, update runtime configuration information and run reports. RTPRS represents a set of screens that allow entering data extremely fast.
Analytics software for WestingHouse
The system provides for data input and further analysis of the data received as the result of mathematical data processing from the nuclear reactor processes.
Corporate Social Responsibility Software
The Worldview CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Solution gives organizations the ability to store, sort, track, share, schedule, upload and report manufacturer/supplier audit information. Geared towards organizations with the need to develop or enhance its Compliance and Code of Conduct implementation, monitoring and remediation tasks, Worldview CSR provides the ability to enhance productivity by significantly improving audit workflow, compliance reporting and analytic functionality.
Mergers and Acquisitions Intelligence System
DRP is a system for automation of Due Diligence processes for Drueker & Co firm engaged in Merging and Acquisition business (http://www.drueker.de). The system consists of a set of applications providing a full complex of solutions on data preparation, processes management and further result analysis .