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Web Applications and E-Commerce | Page 2 of 2 | Enterra

Enterra develops custom web applications built according to Customer specific requirements using the full potential of the latest technologies. We develop professional e-commerce and web applications which combine appealing design, rich functionality and robust management tools.

Enterra has a structured approach towards each web solution development where we focus on achieving real results for each Customer, we work with. We analyze each project, provide all the necessary documentation, code the project strictly following all the docs, apply our Q&A skills and deliver ready-to-use solution at the end. We also provide technical support and maintenance services.

We deliver web solutions for different purposes: entertainment, event discussions, making online purchases, etc. Our commitment to excellence ensures Customer web project to become an effectively tailored solution that helps satisfying Customer web business demands.

Enterra is experienced in developing advanced systems with complex business logic dealing with large amounts of data and transactions, yet can also handle simple web applications development.

Flash Chat

FlashChat tool is based on Macromedia Flash MX, Java and Jabber (www.jabber.org) technologies. The system facilitates the exchange of instant messages.

Photo Gallery

PhotoModule is an independent block for building Internet shared image repository of a web site (for example for building photo community web site). PhotoModule allows users to publish their images, add FotoNotes (rectangular area over picture with tooltips), organize and manipulate personal photo albums and image galleries. Also users can view pictures (personal images and images of other users) and make comments to them.