Social Court Website
Instant Jury is a website that allows emulating judicial proceedings between users.
User is able to create emulating court process. To do this user need to think up the case title, enter case summary to briefly describe the case, enter stakes - what will loser have to do, enter defendant's first/last name, defendant's email - user types in the defendant's email to send the summons.
Once the sue process is created user will be able to see the summary page of the case to review all of the information to make sure it is correct. After user submits the case the defendant will be sent an email with the case details. User will need to wait for the defendant to accept the stakes and agree to appear. Once accepted, open arguments will commence.
User is able to get access to the "My Case File". There are the entire cases user is involved.
Defendant is able to agree with stakes or propose new stakes. After this step the case is officially open. Next the plaintiff enters his opening arguments and evidence.
User is able to publish arguments and evidence to the site. It may be pictures, movies and etc. Files accepted: avi, mpg, flv, mp3, wav, gif, png, jpg, jpeg, bmp, ico.
User has an ability to join the jury. User will be able to vote for person only if arguments are finished. Also user must review all evidence before voting.
User has an ability to comment cases.
User has an ability to inform friends about a case by e-mail distribution.
There are user levels provided in Instant Jury.
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